Archive | Scar camouflage

Can I suntan with a medical tattoo?

  Sun tanning with scar camouflage medical tattoo Can I suntan with a medical tattoo?  This is the question I always get asked! When you have a sun tan, the colour of your skin darkens due to increased production of melanin by the skin cells. Medical tattooing for scars involves pigmenting the scar tissue to […]

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Scar camouflage for facelift scars

Scar Camouflage- Medical Tattooing by Jo Bregazzi

How is micropigmentation carried out for scar camouflage? I have specialised in scar camouflage for over 11 years now and have developed a very gentle but long lasting technique, so you get maximum results out of your treatment. I use a pen with a tiny hair-fine needle which moves up and down, much like a […]

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Transgender clients

Permanent makeup and scar camouflage for Transgender Clients

Permanent makeup and scar camouflage for transgender clients is becoming ever more popular and I have worked with many transgender clients wishing to feminise their facial features before they consider full surgical options, as well as scar camouflage for areas that have already been surgical enhanced. By having permanent makeup applied to your brows, eyes […]

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